Monday, October 29, 2012

Hokkaido Chiffon Cup Cake with Whipping Cream Filling


因为此类蛋糕蛋量比面粉高,所以特别松软湿润。这蛋糕还有一个特征,当从热烘烘的炉拿出来时,蛋糕体会在短时间内收缩,整个蛋糕顿时长满皱纹,像老了半截,哈!上次的食谱因为没有裱花工具,所以都把custard粉煮成的cream裱在蛋糕上面;这次多得妹妹送的生日礼物~cake decorating set,我们把已经打发的whipping cream挤进蛋糕里以及蛋糕上,再撒上少许巧克力米,又是另一番风味。

Hokkaido Chiffon Cup Cake
  • 4 whole eggs/全蛋
  • Self-raising flour/自发面粉 35g
  • Custard sugar/幼砂糖 80g
  • Cooking oil/食油 30g
  • Milk/鲜奶 30g
  1. Separate the egg whites and egg yolks into 2 different bowl (make sure the bowls are clean and dry)把蛋黄和蛋白分开放入两个干净的碗里
  2. Mix the egg yolks, milk, sugar (30g), sifted flour and cooking oil well 蛋黄,奶,其中30g的糖,筛过的面粉 和油混合均匀
  3. Beat the egg white using mixer by add in the sugar (50g) gradually (make sure the sugar well-beat before add-in the next portion), and along the way add few drops of vinegar/lime juice/tartar to smooth the beating process 用搅拌器打发蛋白,分次倒入糖,记得搅拌均匀后再倒入另一份,同时可加几滴醋或柠汁帮助打发
  4. Beat the egg white until it is fluffy and bend like a hook 打发蛋白至可拉出钩状
  5. Pour 1/3 of egg white into egg yolk mixture and mix them 将1/3打发的蛋白拌入蛋黄混合物,边转盆边画十字从底部翻上以混合均匀
  6. Pour in the balance of egg white into 5 and mix well (make sure don't over mixing them, in order to retain the air bubbles in the mixture that help rising the cake later) 再倒入剩余的蛋白,用同样方式搅匀既可(别搅得太久,不然气泡散开会变水水)
  7. Take a small portion of mixture, put into baking paper cup and bake at 180 degree for about 15 minutes 倒入烘纸杯,放入已预热180度烘炉里烘约15分钟
  8. Leave the cakes to cold, meanwhile beat the whipping cream + a little bit of custard sugar until it is fluffy and silky smooth 出炉后,让它冷却,同时打发whipping cream(可加少许糖以调味)
  9. Pipe in the cream into cake's body, sprinkle the chocolate rice and serve them in cold 蛋糕体挤入whipping cream,上面也挤些,洒上巧克力米装饰,冷藏再吃更可口

Decorating Cake Set~谢了,妹妹的惊喜


  1. yea...great success for giving the surprise..hey, can u giv me more detail of the ingredient amount? my colleague want try the recipe...

  2. that day i saw on newspaper, seremban also can find the "moo moo cake roll" that i show sell at "imbi" cake house

  3. ok i update the recipe later. the moo moo cake roll, i c 1 day buy n try

  4. thanks for the update..yaya..go try the moo moo roll..very milky taste

  5. welcome, im happy too got some1 to read my blog.
