Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Baby O birthday cake + Pomelo salad

在过几天就是Baby O的牛一。在这花花世界度过了三年,打从瓜瓜落地到现在的会跑会跳,还会说许多童言童语,搞些啼笑皆非的‘小’动作,真是又爱又恨!!去年我特地弄了一桌杯子蛋糕为他庆生,今年就来个巧克力湿润蛋糕(chocolate moist cake)搞搞新意思。



把蛋糕冰一会,同时打发whipping cream(奶油)至稠。当奶油倒在蛋糕上,就像融化的冰淇淋一样,顺着地心吸力往下滑,糟了!!应该是巧克力酱的表面滑,所以奶油没有‘立足之地’,很应景的似火山焰往下冲!!结果,一塌糊涂,面目全非,失败之作。。当拿去我娘家和Baby O一起切蛋糕时,全部大小眼问:“什么来的哦?ice-cream cake 啊?”讲真的啦,那奶油吃起来真的很像冰淇淋的口感,意外惊喜。还好Baby O也吃的不亦乐乎,少许欣慰啦!下次妈咪会加油的!!

Choco moist cake mixture

ready to move into the oven

the cake cut into 2 half and ready to put the chocolate cream in the middle

lastly, topping with the whipping cream. Haha, the final output, doesn't look good at all....


Pomelo salad

1. Dice the cucumber, carrot, shallot/onion, chili.
2. Peel off the pomelo skin and keep the flesh.
3. Boil the shrimp until cooked and turn to soft pink.
4. Mixed the 1, 2 and 3, and dressing with vinegar, sugar and fish sauce.

the pomelo salad


  1. hahaha..ur cake really dont look like cake at all =P

  2. yaloh, very sad leh, but huan huan like it...nxt time u come bck we bake a cake lah want ah?

  3. I very interest with ur hokaido cake that u make for u fren that one....

  4. thn wanna make this recipe nxt week when u come bck? i got whipping cream
