Monday, October 15, 2012

Baked Stuffed Potato and chicken porridge

又是周末了。王爷近来很忙,周末都得上班,我和Baby O也乐得清闲待在家研究食谱。早上到下午都忙着煮,到了傍晚就带Baby O到附近的公园散散步,让Baby O晒晒阳光,活动筋骨,要不然长期窝在家里,病魔迟早找上门;通常,等王爷回来了才出门吃晚餐。这个周末也不例外。

Baby O的午餐就来一碗鸡肉鱼丸胡萝卜粥,而我就想特别些:烤马铃薯,是马铃薯泥再夹着吞拿鱼和其它材料一起烤。

马铃薯先煮软,剖开两半。小心挖出马铃薯肉压成泥(别弄破皮,待会用回),再混合吞拿鱼,玉米粒,青葱粒,美奶滋,盐,胡椒,香草, 芝士;填回之前的马铃薯皮,铺上芝士烤至融化既可。这样子又是丰富的一餐。

Baked Stuffed Potato
1. Steam the potato until it is soft internally and cut into 2 half
2. Remove the flesh carefully and make sure the skin still in perfect shape because we will use it later
3. Mix the potato flesh, tuna chunks, green onion, sweet corn, mayonnaise, cheese, salt, pepper, oregano 
    and stuff into the potato skin
4. Top the mixture wit a cheese slice and bake it at 150 degree till the cheese on the top is melting


 A romantic lunch with Baby O (we were under the yellow light, isn't it romantic?)


  1. So recently can he finsh his porridge with the method to freeze the rice at fridge b4 cook

  2. b4 i using this method he can finish oso. now lagi ok loh
