Monday, November 5, 2012

Baked Curry Puff (in different shapes)

近来每天都下雨,从早下到晚,真是长命雨。就算外面连绵雨不停,肚子还是得喂饱。之前有打算弄咖哩角,可是不想把心爱的厨房被油烟糟蹋,就算自己埋 头苦干洗刷一番后王爷也未必满意;他呀对厨房的卫生超在意,一只小小的蚂蚁都不能出现在此范围内,不然他准对它大开杀戒,有杀无赔!!更何况是个油烟污渍 的厨房?所以的所以,用烘炉最省事方便,不用大肆洗刷累坏自己。


而咖哩角皮我选择两种:酥皮(puff pastry)popiah皮,而形状有球状,三角状,四方状,长条状。在包好的咖哩角四面都涂上蛋液,裹上面包糠和芝士粉再烘至金黄色(200度,30)。趁热吃,赞!

Baked Curry Puff
  1. Chop the potato, chicken, shrimp, onion, garlic, ginger, chives into dices
  2. Saute the onion, garlic, ginger, add in the curry paste and stir a while
  3. Add in the chicken, shrimp, lemongrass and leave it to cook for a while
  4. Pour in a little amount of water and on the lid to soften the potato
  5. Open lid, add in the corm, chives and corn starch mixture to thicken the 4
  6. Seasoning  with salt, pepper and fish sauce. Leave it to cold
  7. Wrap the 6 with puff pastry or popiah wrapper. Shaped it
  8. Egg wash the 7 and coat with breadcrumb and cheese powder
  9. Bake in oven at 200 degree for about 30 minutes until it turns to golden brown

到下午,雨才渐渐停下。外面湿漉漉地,连我们两母子爱去的公园也不 能幸免,唯有在家门前活动活动下。Baby O一直问他的泡泡喷枪呢?就东翻西倒挖出来,Baby O双眼发亮,开心的玩了约20钟,直到没了才罢休!!满天的泡泡被阳光反射而发出迷人的彩虹颜色,的确美不胜收


  1. haha...the long shape karipap look like "lobak"...haha...the bubble gun really cute le...who buy one..what is use inside?

  2. haha, don't knw wat other shapes to make...tat battery-operated bubble gun bought by ben's gf,it comes with 2 bottle of bubble liquid, now all finish liao the gun can take long rest...
