Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Siew Bao

烧包是我其中一样‘飞佛甩’食物,已很久没再弄了。近来有个念头想弄烧包,可是又懒得去买叉烧,所以一直拖到现在。上星期终于开金口请Baby O的嬷嬷代买10块钱的叉烧,现在可以开工咯。





Siew Bao
  1. Saute the onion, garlic, ginger with sesame oil, pour in the diced BBQ pork, and stir a while. 
  2. Mix the BBQ pork sauce, dark soya sauce, light soya sauce, salt, sugar, corn flour, wine in a bowl
  3. Pour in the 2 into 1 and stir until the sauce bubbling
  4. Keep the 3 in the fridge
  5. Dough A-Mix the flour, shortening, salt, sugar, and water into a dough and let it rest for 10 minutes
  6. Dough B-Mix the flour and shortening into a dough and let it rest for 10 minutes
  7. Roll the dough A into a long tube and cut into small pieces. Same do for the dough B
  8. Roll a piece of dough A into a flat circle and put a piece of dough B in the middle. So the dough B will be covered by dough A
  9. Roll the 8 into a tongue shape, roll it from one end to the other and turn into long tube
  10. Again, roll the 9 from one end to the other and turn into spiral. Repeat step 9 & 10
  11. Flatten the 10, take a spoon of BBQ pork filling and put in the middle and wrap it
  12. Egg wash the 11 and sprinkle some sesame seed on top
  13. Bake at 200 degree for about 10-15 minutes, then wash with some honey
  14. Continue the baking for about 10 minutes
Photo gallery:

Steps to make Siew Bao Pt1
Steps to make Siew Bao Pt2
Steps to make Siew Bao Pt3 & Baby O the Chef 

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