Monday, December 24, 2012

Egg Tart

过了人人口中热传的末日,我的毛发无损,还是好好的活着。。告别曾经轰动全球的末日,再吞了几颗又大又圆的汤圆来迎接冬至,也庆幸末日失败了。再过几天就是圣诞节,热闹浪漫的感觉日益渐浓,真希望能到购物广场感染那温馨的气氛,与Baby O享受下夏天的圣诞是如斯奇妙。哎,梦醒啦!剩下我和Baby O四眼相望,赖在懒洋洋的睡窝里。这天是2012年从最后算起第二个周六,再过约一个星期就迈入2013年啦!有什么新愿望?但愿一切如常,当然有花红和加薪就最好不过咯!!不过最重要人人健康,出入平安,无事胜有事。这些东西好像遥不可及,弄些好吃的最实际。蛋塔如何?

很久没弄牛油塔皮,记忆中只弄过一次,之后就用现成的酥皮来弄葡京塔。塔皮用牛油,面粉,糖,蛋,vanilla extract和成团。由于牛油遇热会把面团变得黏手难操作,所以我都把它冰硬些再继续。从冰箱拿出来,将面团杆开再卷成长条分割同等份的剂子。把一份的剂子置入塔没中用拇指边转边压出塔形,再冷藏一下。铺上油纸再倒入烤珠或烤豆200度烘约5分钟, 之后将油纸和烤豆拿掉。

用热水把糖,牛奶,蛋黄粉(custard powder)拌匀至糖融化待凉,再加入蛋搅匀过晒两次以确保蛋塔液滑溜无杂质。(你可多弄些蛋塔液藏在冰箱,下回可拿来作布丁)舀蛋塔液入塔里,放下层180度烘约10分钟直至蛋塔液变成豆腐般的硬度(插入牙签能立起)。待蛋塔冷却后,就能轻易从模中取出。这次弄了8个,Baby O迫不及待先吞了一个半,嘴了嚼着小手又要拿另一个了。。。

Egg Tart
  1. Mix the flour, butter, sugar, egg and vanilla extract and turn them into a dough
  2. Keep the 1 in the fridge for a while to make the dough firm and ease to operate
  3. Roll the 2 into a long tube and cut into small pieces
  4. Take a piece and put into the moult. Press it while turn the moult around
  5. Keep the 4 in the fridge for short period
  6. Put a layer of baking sheet on top of 5 and pour in some beans to avoid the pastry shrinking when it is in heat 
  7. Bake the 6 for about 5 minutes at 200 degree
  8. While baking, prepare the tart filling: add the milk, sugar, custard powder into boiled water and stir until the sugar is dissolved
  9. Add in the egg after the 8 had cold down  and stir until all mixed well. Drain the mixture twice
  10. Pour the 9 into 7, and bake at lowest level in oven at 180 degree for about 10 minutes

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The steps to bake egg tart

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