Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Pizza Bread

布置好了圣诞树等,我和Baby O还有后续:亲子面包堂。哈哈,我们两母子再次联手弄面包,他玩得不亦乐乎。
把高筋面粉,牛奶,糖,盐,奶粉,酵母,蛋液,汤种放入搅拌机。和成面团后,再放入牛油继续搅拌。当搅拌机拌着面包团时,Baby O不遗余力捉住spatula把面团转呀转,廷累的。拌好的面团让它发酵约一个钟,排气造型再发酵。我这次要弄披撒面包,所以在面包上排上喜欢的材料如香肠,鸡肉,tuna,蕃薯,芝士等。当然,Baby O也不会放过这步骤,也一起把材料一层一层铺上去。最后进炉烘至金黄就可上碟咯!!这个披萨面包广受王爷及Baby O喜爱,两下功夫就把一半的面包扫光。看来下次得加码,弄多些给这两父子。

Pizza Bread
  1. Mix the high protein flour and the water (ratio 1:5, 25g flour:125g water). And let it cook on a low heat until it turn to thick mixture
  2. Add the 1 into high protein flour, sugar, salt, yeast, milk powder, milk and knead until it turn into a dough. Add in the butter and continue to knead
  3. Leave the 2 to proof about double of its size
  4. Remove the air from 3 and make it to the shape you like and leave it to proof again
  5. Egg wash the 4, brush tomato sauce and put in any ingredients like sausage, chicken, tuna, cheese etc on top.
  6. Bake it for about 15 min at 180 degree

Photo gallery:

Baby O the baby chef
The preparation of the dough
The pizza bread

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