Thursday, January 3, 2013

Char Siew Pau & Sweet Potato Spiral Pau

过几天Baby O开学咯!他第一次上学,而当妈咪的也跟着紧张兮兮,深怕他不适应,不能跟小朋友合群,不听老师的话,欺负别人(对,别看他瘦巴巴,只有他敢欺负个子大过他的小朋友!!),早上起不来闹别扭等等。。。别想太多,不如弄些好料让他带去幼稚园当早餐吧!恰好早一天有买到紫蕃薯,就弄白紫螺旋包和叉烧包。

叉烧包用平常方法:面粉(我用蛋糕粉self-raising flour,因为这粉已有baking powder,不需另加),白油,酵母,baking powder(如果用普通面粉),糖,盐,温水和成面团。休面约20分钟分割成等份剂子,杆开包入已炒香的叉烧馅料捏成包子状。



Char Siew Pau
  1. Mixed the multipurpose flour, shortening, yeast, baking powder, sugar, salt, warm water to a dough and rest for 20 minutes
  2. Saute the onion, garlic, ginger with sesame oil
  3. Add in the diced Char Siew (BBQ pork)
  4. Pour in the Char Siew sauce (BBQ pork sauce) and stir well
  5. Roll the 1 into a long tube and cut into small pieces 
  6. Take a piece of 5, roll into a flat circle. Put a spoon of filling (no 4) in the middle of the pastry and wrap it like a pau. Layer the pau with a baking sheet at the bottom
  7. Keep the 6 in a warm covered place/wok to proof for about an hour
  8. Steam  the 7 at high heat for about 8 minutes
Sweet Potato Spiral Pau
  1. Steam the sweet potato cubes to soften them, add in some creamer and mashed
  2. Mixed the multipurpose flour, shortening, yeast, baking powder, sugar, salt, warm water to a dough
  3. Repeat the 2, but add in the 1 to get the purple color
  4. Rest the both 2 & 3 for about 20 minutes
  5. Roll the 2 into a flat piece. 
  6. Do the same to 3
  7. Layer the 6 onto the 5, roll them into a long tube
  8. Slice the 7 into the thick piece, so you can see the spiral in the middle. Layer the pau with a baking sheet at the bottom
  9. Keep the 8 in a warm covered place/wok to proof for about an hour
  10. Steam  the 9 at high heat for about 8 minutes

 Photo gallery

The steps to make char siew pau & sweet potato spiral pau

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